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What should you know about pet toothpaste? Dog toothpaste, toxic ingredients for pets

A scientist’s perspective

It is common today to see pet products labeled as "organic," "plant-based," or "safe." We assume that because these products are made with materials that are safe for humans, they will also be safe for our pets. It is important to be alert and know how to identify which ingredients can affect the health of our pets.

A puppy playing with ball
Puppy playing with ball

One example of products that are marketed as safe but may not be entirely safe is dog toothpastes. Most toothpastes contain abrasive ingredients, surfactants, preservatives, and sweeteners that help clean our pets' teeth and give them a pleasant taste. However, these ingredients can also produce side effects that can deteriorate the health of our beloved pets. While some toothpastes are made with the correct ingredients, it's crucial to be aware of the ingredients you should avoid in your pet's toothpaste.

  1. Fluoride: Scientists have not determined the safe amount of fluoride for dogs. Excessive fluoride consumption in humans has been linked to mottled teeth (dental fluorosis), weakened bones, increased fractures, reproductive and developmental system damage, neurotoxicity, hormonal disruption, and even bone cancer (NRC 2006).

  2. Xylitol: Xylitol can cause two serious problems for a dog's system: low blood sugar and irreversible liver damage, both of which can be fatal.

  3. Artificial flavors: Artificial flavors may be associated with cancer, behavioral problems, reproductive damage, and more. It's important to note that peppermint flavor is not the same as peppermint essential oil. While there are artificial flavors specifically designed for pets, most of them contain artificial sweeteners that can be problematic.

  4. Antibacterials: The Food and Drug Administration recently banned Triclosan and 18 other antibacterials due to links found between hormone disruption and the potential for drug-resistant bacteria.

  5. Potassium Sorbate and Sodium Benzoate: These artificial preservatives, commonly used in food preservation, have links to allergies and immunotoxicity (organ system toxicity). It is advisable to avoid them in your pet products.

  6. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS): SLS is a surfactant frequently used in toothpastes to create foam. However, in dogs, it can cause gastrointestinal upset if swallowed in sufficient quantities.

The ingredients in pet products, including toothpaste, can vary widely, and some substances may pose dangers to animals. By carefully examining the ingredients list, pet owners can identify any potentially harmful substances and make informed decisions about the products they choose to use. Harmful substances can include chemicals, additives, or allergens that may be harmful to pets or trigger adverse reactions.

Let’s prioritize the safety of our pets by using safe ingredients in their products. While this information provides a starting point to understand the risks associated with certain ingredients in pet toothpaste, it is up to us to take the necessary steps to keep our pets safe.

Remember to always read and understand the ingredients list.

Dog toothpaste, toxic ingredients for pets

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